hmmm.. remember my last post where i say that i would want to change the world one step at a time?, well, i think today ive made a difference, its not that big, but at least i tried... let me tell you how...
i woke up at 1.30pm today... tereskep my morning class, and went str8 to my labtop and bukak the inet... my life's been full of internet lately lol... then bukak.... wait for it.... wait for it......
yeah, its pathetic, no wonder im getting FAT...
ANYWAY...... then i saw this particular gurl who posted sumthing like this...
Girl A : You are what you eat, bla2......
then to my suprise, her fren then responded with this...i quote...
Girl B : mena2..mun makan B.A**..maka hati, jiwa, and perangai pun cam ya juak...mun makan sayur..macam kamek..segar jak..sihat....ahaks... :p
I was like...WTF? then i responded...
Me : oi, consider la org lain ckit....
i was furious... i mean, cmon... cant she see that other people might see the post? then tuanempunya post replied..
Gurl A : No komen...bla2...
that gurl, thankfully, deleted her first post and replied,
Girl B: Stevie: oopss..sory2..mek mintak maaf..minta maaf ye..sorry2..
me, tryin to be nice, replied with..
me : xpa2, ku x kisah, tp mun org lain nangga klak nak ka susah...
then girl A changed the topic.
So thats it. i cant believe there was someone... i cant find the right word.. i mean, cmon..... cant she see that we live in a multiracial environment? at least ive tried to be nice to her. and to my friends who viewed my last post, im sorry if im being inconsiderate, bout the pork thinggy...
and thats what ive think ive done good today, but i think ive done too much shitty things that overweights that... escape class, bla..bla...bla... the list could go on...
today was boring though, nothing interesting happen, except the fact have a long rest lol... but why does im feeling sleepy??? i hate it when that happens. so thats it, ill be back tomorrow and write if i got nothing better to do... sigh.....
p/s : pork is still gooooddddd...........:p